What is this painted rock?
Great question…first, thank you for visiting this website to learn more!
You may have seen Kindness Rocks on social media posts or stumbled upon one during an outdoor adventure. A few years ago, we learned about The Kindness Rocks Project and it immediately struck a cord. If you have never heard of kindness rocks, they are literally rocks painted with inspirational messages, some being more elaborately decorated than others, and then left for someone to find. You never know when a simple message stumbled upon at the right time could be be exactly what that person needed to read…bringing them a smile, a laugh, uplifting thoughts, maybe a new perspective. As stated on The Kindness Rocks Project’s website, the purpose is “to cultivate connections with communities and lift others up through simple acts of kindness.”
Why did I receive a Kindness Rock?
Longing to be a part of this creative kindness movement, we have crafted our own kindness rocks and are enlisting our guests to help spread them across the country.  How exactly will our fabulous guests do this….when you find the right moment and location, place the kindness rock for someone else to find and enjoy. This is where your rock’s journey will begin. Maybe it’s starting point is someone here on Hilton Head, such as the Sea Pines Forest Preserve, or better yet, maybe somewhere along a trail in your home town.
Why is there a hashtag on the back of the rock?
Here’s the fun part, using the hashtag #hiltonheadkindness we can all track the adventures of your kindness rock. When you find a special place to leave your rock, take a photo and post it on Instagram using the hashtag #hiltonheadkindness  Our hope is when the next person finds the rock, they will visit the page, see where the rock’s journey began, enjoy it’s message and then find a new spot for it to continue it’s mission of spreading kindness.  Sometimes the smallest things make the greatest impact.  Will you help us make a difference in someone’s day by spreading words of kindness?
Make sure to “follow” the #hiltonheadkindness Instagram page so you can see your rock’s travels
To learn more about The Kindness Rocks Project, visit their website at www.thekindnessrocksproject.com